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MCM Eventi e Congressi can boast stable and lasting collaborations with prestigious Associations, Universities and Companies that over the years it has built loyalty.

They worked and work with us:


We thank our customers for placing their trust in us and for the esteem and affection they have shown us.

IFSO Napoli 2023, World Congress

Dear Stefania and the staff, What a superb, fantastic job you did with the 2023 IFSO meeting. Everything was absolutely perfect. The program was excellent; special events superb. Please congratulate your entire staff for me.

Prof. Henry Buchwald Emeritus Professor of Surgery and Biomedical Engineering Owen H. & Sarah Davidson Wangensteen Chair in Experimental Surgery University of Minnesota

IFSO Napoli 2023, World Congress

Dear Stefania, Let me say also what a wonderful meeting it was that my wife and I will never forget. Congratulations

Doctor Jacob Chisholm Bariatric Surgeon Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

IFSO Napoli 2023, World Congress

Dear Stefania, I wanted to thank you for your impeccable management and organisation in my visit to the IFSO conference . I felt very well looked after and I am so impressed how you manage all the surgeons....really not easy! I must say the conference organisation was probably the best I have seen in many years! Thank you and many congratulations

Doctor Paul McMaster Chairman of Medecins sans Frontiers in the UK

IFSO Napoli 2023, World Congress

Dear Stefania, It was a pleasure to work with you. The organisation for the conference was brilliant. In addition, I know you responded very quickly not only to my questions but everyone else's too. The staff on the ground were very good too. I was especially impressed with the young woman on our integrated health postgraduate day. I am sure that she was the same one that supported the session that I chaired on Friday morning. She kept me fully informed about which presentations were missing or uploaded through the session. I know she also was trying to contact the co-chair who never appeared. She certainly made my role easier

Doctor Mary O’Kane Honorary Consultant Dietitian (Adult Obesity), Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

IFSO Napoli 2023, World Congress

Dear MCM Congressi, congratulations with a fantastic meeting! I learnt a great deal. The sessions you asked us to contribute to were full and the discussion vibrant. I also want to thank you all for the support with the Lancet paper. Everyone was fantastic and the press coverage was brilliant. Thank you again and many congratulations.

Prof. Carel Le Roux Professor of Chemical Pathology School of Medicine

MCM Eventi e Congressi

Evento meraviglioso come sempre, la solidità del passato porge la mano alla visione del futuro. Bravo Arturo e brava tu a dare gambe a questo incontro che ormai è il top in Italia.

Cav. dott. Luca Miceli Responsabile Medicina del Dolore Clinica e Sperimentale IRCCS CRO di Aviano

MCM Eventi e Congressi

Gentilissima Dr.ssa Acanfora, grazie per la Sua, come sempre cortese attenzione e disponibilità. Complimenti ancora per le Sue eccellenti doti organizzative e per il lavoro svolto nel corso del Congresso.

Prof. Ettore degli Uberti

MCM Eventi e Congressi

Ci siamo affidati al top di gamma in quanto ad organizzazione, anche se ho provato in tutti i modi a irrompere nei perfetti schemi organizzativi da tempo rodati di Stefania 😛 Ma è la conferenza sulle imprenditorialità, e senza creatività, non avrebbe lo stesso significato!!

Pierluigi Rippa, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

MCM Eventi e Congressi

It has been really a great honour for me to take part in the API 2022 conference. The conference was held in a unique and suggestive place, rich in Gothic and Baroque history, located in the historic center of Naples. I appreciated the high level of knowledge and expertise of speakers, very clear presentations joining the scientific rigor of the academic world with the relevance and applicability of the industrial world. Attractive and current topics to support sustainability, circular economy, health safety and innovative solutions in packaging applications and production industry. I want to congratulate all the organization for the success of the conference. Perfect work, style, and high professionalism! I would like very much to repeat this kind of experience. I'm looking forward to taking part for the next API conference.

Antonella Patti, University of Catania

MCM Eventi e Congressi

Grazie per l’ottima organizzazione del congresso nella eccezionale “location” del Museo Donna Regina di Napoli.

Paolo Mariani, ENI Versalis

MCM Eventi e Congressi

Amazing conference in the beautiful city of Naples! Hats off Prof. Corrado and his team for giving this wonderful platform to share knowledge and cultures! See you soon! #icran2018naples

Hira Burhan fff

MCM Eventi e Congressi

Molto professionali e cortesi. Grazie.

Antonino Romano

MCM Eventi e Congressi

Grazie di tutto, per l'organizzazione, le bellissime serate e tutto lo straordinario supporto. Alla fine il bel risultato raggiunto, è frutto di un grande sforzo e di tutta la passione che abbiamo riversato nella preparazione di questo Convegno, grazie di averci coordinato in tutto con inesauribile energia. Un caro saluto e un abbraccio a te, e spero di rivederci presto

Aurelio Bifulco e Antonio Aronne, DICMAPI Università Federico II

MCM Eventi e Congressi

grazie dell'aiuto e, soprattutto, della vostra disponibilità e professionalità. hai certamente contribuito a farci ricevere tutti i complimenti che abbiamo ricevuto (e ne abbiamo ricevuti!). alla prossima!

prof Alessandro Flora

MCM Eventi e Congressi

Organizzazione eccellente, con persone di elevata professionalità cordialità e capacità. Consigliatissima per organizzare eventi perché di sicura efficienza e molto competenti. Puntuali e precisi, direi svizzeri!

Gianpaolo Papaccio


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